Gift Fund Guidelines

The College of the Rockies Employee Group Gift Fund will recognize regular employees, term employees that have over one year of continuous service and employees that have had at least one term assignment and 12 months of service for the occasions listed below on behalf of all employee groups within the College.

Group gift recognition will be funded and administered through the College’s three employee groups:

CUPE Local 2773

College of the Rockies Faculty Association (CORFA)

Management Group

On March 31 of each year a reconciliation of the years expenses will be done and based on the number of employees within each group the expenses for the year will be prorated amongst the “employee groups”.

The department and employee group of which the gift recipient is a member will initiate the purchase of the gift and will submit the invoice to their group gift fund representative for payment or reimbursement.

The following guidelines will assist all departments and employee in defining appropriate occasions and donation levels (subject to review):
  • Funerals Up to $150.00 for an employee’s funeral and $75.00 per employee for the followingfamily members: parents, spouse (including commonlaw), commonlaw children, commonlaw parentsinlaw, brother, sister, child, stepchild, grandparent, motherinlaw, fatherinlaw, sisterinlaw, brotherinlaw, grandparentinlaw, grandchild or any person living in the same household. Cards only for other family members.
  • Marriage of Staff Members Up to $75.00
  • Hospitalization of Staff Members and or off 6 working days Up to $75.00
  • Babies of Staff Members Up to $75.00
  • Farewell of Staff Members Once an employee’s status has changed to “permanent disability” we will purchase a farewell gift for them.

Over 1 to 3 years of service $100.00
3+ to 8 years of service $160.00
8+ to 13 years of service $300.00
13+ to 20 years of service $400.00
20+ years of service $500.00


View or download: Gift Fund Guidelines